"We're going to miss out on spring this year," Pam said this morning, and she's mostly right, as we'll be travelling while many things will be bursting into leaf and bloom, and we won't be back until after they have finished. And so this afternoon I did a quick lap of our small garden to look for signs of spring, and I found plenty. On with the show.
Only one-third of the way to full bloom, and already the Scadoxus are stealing the show again. The wonderful thing about this year's blooming is that it's earlier than in the two previous years. I was sure we were going to miss out on seeing anything from them, and what do you know! They must be mind-readers and took pity on us.
This is the first time all three bulbs have bloomed, and the good news is that the oldest bulb is sending out a little 'pup' of a new bulb forming at its feet. Who knows, in 10 years we'll have a clump!
Very pleasing to see the first leaf burst out from the Turkish Brown fig which we planted in late autumn, when it was just a bare stick.
I've seen our pinky-white orchids bloom in late September every year for the last 20 years here, and so I can imagine how lovely they will be very easily.
Our rosemary bush is just starting to flower now, and it was a beautifully fragrant place to be when I brushed against its leaves to take this snap.
These buds belong to our NSW Christmas Bush, and it will be touch and go whether it will still be in flower when we return in early November.
The angel wing begonias always get a bit sad and tatty looking over winter, but they've turned the corner of the season now. I fed them a week or two ago and every pair of leafy 'angel wings' is opening to to make space for a rose-pink tipped baby new leaf to emerge.
Every year the flowering weeds like this heartsease (viola) reappear without any encouragement from me.
Another flowering weed, the primulas have been in this garden ever since we moved here two decades ago. In our first year we foolishly asked the garden centre for something that flowered in shade, and so we brought home primulas and impatiens. I have eradicated the impatiens, but the primulas always come back.
At least these darker coloured primulas offer a bit of a variation on that pastel pink.
I shouldn't complain about the primulas, it's not as if they're giving the parsnips a hard time. By the time we get back the parsnips should be OK to harvest.
And speaking of harvesting, I really should harvest all the cumquats and turn them into marmalade, but I have so many other things to do right now before we leave, and marmalade-making doesn't make it into the top 100!
You are so blessed living in Australia ! I live in Belgium and we just have the worst summer ever !!!!Plants and flowers are rotting cos of the cold wet weather.
I enjoy reading your blog en viewing your foto's. I hope you'll have a wonderfull vacation in the States !!
I think you wil be surprised by your garden when you return home !!!
garden greetings,
Wonderful pics Jamie. Happy travels.
I take hearty exception to your calling violas and primulas Weeds! I love the little blighters. I hope they have multiplied and replenished and taken over your little garden patch in revenge by the time you return home!
Ha ha, Sue. If I don't plant them yet they keep on coming back, they're weeds in my book, but I guess I could call them colourful volunteers to avoid offending their many admirers!
I like this post :) It made my day more beautiful :) Rgds!!!
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