Talk about time flying, my tempus has been fugiting along at a cracking pace lately. Here it is the middle of August and not a sausage from me on this blog this month, until now. I have many excellent travel-planning reasons for being a bit distracted at the moment, but I thought it would actually be good for a moment to stop, hit the metaphorical 'Pause' button on life (that we all wish we could actually possess – wouldn't that be cool), and do a little update on what's happening here.
Great news, my plan with the mirror at the back of the garden is working. Back in March this year I attached a mirror to the shed and blogged about it all here. Well.... traa daaa!

So it's lovely to have a little garden design plan come off, and in the summer I'll plant something equally floriferous and cheerful as the cinerarias to keep the colourful reflections going.
And now, just a quick update on those other plans which have been distracting both Pammy and I lately. Travel! It's less than a month to go now before we head off on our road-trip odyssey across the United States.
We've booked all our flights, the rent-a-car, the major bits of accommodation (Hawaii, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, New Orleans, New York, San Francisco), and we have also attended to two thousand other little planning details, which leaves us with only another nine hundred or so to go. We have a house sitter organised, expert garden waterers (Katarina and Nick from next door) lined up and raring to go, I've bought a new laptop so I can blog my way across the country, and now all we have to do is pack up and get to the airport on time.
I'll keep on updating the blog here while we're on the road, but before I head off could I again say thanks to all the lovely people who have suggested gardens to visit in the USA and given us so many handy travel tips, both here on the blog and also via email. It's much appreciated.
I'll look forward to hearing your observations about US gardening styles in some of the places you'll visit. I migrated to this country 40 years ago from Massachusetts in New England. In frequent trips back there, I've always been interested to observe some very big differences between New England and Australian garden styles. Not all of these seem to me to be due to our climatic differences, though obviously being snow-bound for a good part of every winter plays a big part in determining garden design and selection of plants. In some towns in New England, for example, homeowners were not allowed to erect fences in front yards.
How about an update on your beautiful, beautiful cane begonias?! Would love to see how they are doing!
Jacksonville, Florida, USA
And while you are here in the good old US, hubby and I will be traipsing around England and hopefully Wales. We only have two weeks, but we'll pack in a bunch of fun. If you have any ideas about gardens to visit in the south of England, feel free to share.
Sue, a good place to look for gardens in the UK would be Helen's blog at the Patient Gardener
She visits lots of gardens, has links to other UK garden bloggers, and I am sure you'd be able to find almost too many gardens there!
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