Everywhere I look now there are flowers making an appearance, such as the Louisiana iris only yesterday, and my little succulent patch inmates are joining in on the fun, but in their own peculiar way.
Looking like confectionery from another planet, gasteria blooms dangle from long arms which arch over the other succulents. And if you think the blooms are peculiar, wait till you see mum.
Mrs Gasteria does seem like a stern matriarch but she's really quite the nurturing type, sending up weirdly glorious blooms above while sprouting new Gasteria babies around her skirts. She might need repotting in a year or two, she's doing so well.
"Pucker up!" say the dainty little bells of what I suspect is a graptoveria, but succulent labels being what they are (totally useless, merely saying 'succulent' and nothing else) I am guessing what this plant really is. This is it pictured below.
Wouldn't it be totally unhelpful if at the nursery all plants were simply labelled "tree" or "shrub" or "vegetable". Are succulents produced by spy agencies, who aren't permitted to reveal any more about their plants, for national security reasons? Whatever the cause, it remains a minor life ambition to find out each succulent's true name. Where was I? Oh yes, succulent flowers in spring. One more slide please, projectionist!
Yellow is a pleasant colour to come across, although you come across this hue while on your knees weeding, as they're vewy vewy tiny. At a rough guess, I'd say these are graptopetalum blooms.
Here they are in context. If that isn't a graptopetalum, let me know. I am thirsty for knowledge, as they say.
Spring is such a fine time here, as things pop up, burst out, open splendidly, come out shyly, appear all of a sudden and just emanate from the soil like magic. Succulents have a touch of the submarine about them. Periscope up, all is clear, blooom! I love their peculiar ways.
I like the way you describe the succulents. Your macro shots are superb.
Those unearthly Gasteria blooms really are fantastic!
Your second plant looks to me like Echeveria elegans, and the final one certainly looks like a Graptopetalum - sorry I can't identify the species. Great selection, and they look so healthy and happy.
Thanks for the ID on E Elegans!
I love succulents with their beautiful shapes and wonderful flowers. Bromeliads bring similar pleasure, in a totally different environment.
I'm loving our garden for the same reasons, it's like the flowers are so excited about spring they're ready to burst! I gaze out of our big kitchen windows onto the jasmine which is bright green with anticipations of blooms...! It's covering the balustrade and climbing at last (3 years after we planting and training it).. love it!
We put a great recycled gate on our opera house garden too through the week, and finally our planter boxes that we started building 6+ months ago will be filled in a few weeks.
LOVE spring!
Your shots are so nice! I like the angles and they are all so beautiful.
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