Let's call it a dead heat. Rocket and lettuce. Seeds sown Sunday, both were up by the time I got home from work late Wednesday afternoon. Unfortunately I wasn't there to see the winner emerge, but it must have been a photo finish!

Interestingly, only half the lettuce seeds are up. I bought a packet of mixed 'mesclun' lettuce seed, and in the right-side punnets I planted all light-coloured lettuce seeds, and in the left punnets I planted all dark-coloured lettuce seeds. The lights won the lettuce race but I'll never know who won the vegie race. That was a very quick dead heat.
The same thing happened with my romaine lettuce duo, one type sprouted faster than the other. I don't remember which sprouted first, the dark or the white seeds.
Great stuff - love the seed races so much more than the horsey type!
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