This is a soggy goner that probably looked quite pretty sometime mid-week, when I wasn't around. Hedychium gardnerianum to the botanists, ginger lily to rest of us. Looks like a pretty party girl around 3am on a wet Saturday night, with a few regrets in tow. Heavy recent rain came at the wrong time, just as the flowers began blooming. Rats!

This is what Lily probably looked like on Wednesday, when I wasn't there. (This shot is from last year, when I lovingly documented Lil's emergence.)

Lily wasn't alone this morning, either. This is another bedraggled party-goer, with a torn, wet dress.

The ginger lilies have had a good time and they're healthy and happy plants, so I'm not really complaining that much. Lovely tropical greenery still. It's just one of those things. Sometimes you can miss seeing the flowers bloom right there in your own garden.

Not far away from the ginger lilies, I have planted a couple of relatives, two tropical flowering gingers. Both are classified as Costus barbatus, but one has the common name of Red Tower Ginger, and the other is known as Costa Flores Ginger. So far no blooms, but this is their first year here. They were planted last October, and I've been cutting back neighbouring, rampant canna lilies and cardamoms to make room for my flowering gingers to grow, and feeding them too.

I'm so sorry you missed the height of their bloom. How disappointing! However, it sounds like you've learned your lesson, and now will always take that minute or two to visit your garden. Good luck with your flowering ginger, I hope they bloom for you soon.
Blow! Oh well, perhaps it iwll spot-flower later?
Are any of these edible gingers? They do look very pretty on the labels.
Chookie: no, it won't spot flower unfortunately. Last year it flowered nicely for a couple of weeks, but this year the rain hit it just at the wrong time.
Lanie: no, none of them are edible, as far as I know.
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