It will be a major innovation when they finally figure out how to do it, but wouldn't it be nice if someone invented a 'scratch and sniff' widget which you could add to gardening blogs? I have the perfect use for such a nifty little device – my Gardenia radicans is blooming, and as I opened our back door this morning the sweet scent of its blooms was lingering at the door to bid me 'good morning'.

Gardenias have such a sweet scent that they're probably not everyone's favourite scent. I don't like them when brought indoors. They quickly cloy up a hallway when left in a vase. But diluted with fresh morning air, they're just delightful.

And while I'm dreaming of cool widgets to add to gardening blogs, it would be nice to have 'click and listen' as well. While I was outside taking these snaps this morning, the spring-song of birds competed with the gardenia scents in filling the air. The most glorious songsters of all, the magpies, were carolling away from the top of my neighbour's chimney. A red wattlebird sat on the clothesline calling (well, it's more like clucking) for its mate. The red-chested Bulbul has just raised some chicks and cheeped incessantly with indignation at the presence of the big wattlebird. The Blue Wrens, also recent parents, just hoppity-hopped about the place cheeping chirpily as they snapped up their insect breakfasts. And the cheeky New Holland Honeyeaters, with their snazzy black, yellow and white colour scheme that would look good on a sports car, chirruped loudly to his mate (presumably about the abundant grevillea nectar on offer).
Ahhh, spring!
That is a good idea! Imagine getting the smell of fresh flowers from the computer! Your gardenia is full of buds and flowers. Mine is still growing, 2 years after planting.
I just adore Gardenias not just because of their scent, but also they remind me of my happy child hood playing in my Grandfather's huge garden. He being a forest officer, knew a lot about plants and I guess seeds of my future hobby were sown then
We're enjoying our gardenias too! My workplace discovered some years ago that bringing gardenias in from the gardens led to everyone getting headaches, but like you I enjoy the perfume wafting on the breeze outside.
scratch and sniff widget would be fab. You can do click and listen by recording the sound (some people do this by taking a short video film on their camera) and then loading it up on the blog
I love your gardenias - think they will be very heady soon even if outside
Hi Jamie,
I did not keep a list of the old Aussie KGI bloggers.
So this morning as I am planning my Mum's 90th birthday party I googled spinach pie and rediscovered your blog. I also remembered when reading this post that Mum asked me to buy her a Gardenia for her birthday and I had forgotten.
Great to stop by your blog again.
It intrigues me to no end to read your blog. Firstly, the idea of such a widget is interesting. I guess its just a matter of time before this becomes a reality. Secondly, the Goldfish in the pot is amazing. Thirdly, you are having spring! Well, quite expected in Australia, but for someone who is preparing for winters, it is intriguing for sure.
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