Of all the times of day I love being in my garden, mornings are the best. It's the morning light, low and clear and, compared to the shadows, as bright as the sun itself. As the garden awakes from sleep, dull colours shimmer brightly, dark greens become pale and young again, and honeyeaters come to enjoy their breakfast of nectar as I enjoy my coffee. (As always, click on the photos to make them bigger).
Here's the scene this morning. My garden faces north-east, so the morning light comes in from the right. There are a few bare garden beds here now, as I've just pulled out my tomatoes and zucchinis. And the birds are happy. Covered with mulch, these 'bare' beds have suddenly become a wormy, insecty feeding ground for blue wrens, magpies and wagtails.
Perched atop a grevillea, this perky little New Holland honeyeater checks to see what's going on before enjoying another lick of nectar.
A young wattlebird ponders its favourite grevillea before darting there for breakfast.
As well as the red one providing food to the New Holland honeyeater pictured earlier, this 'Peaches & Cream' grevillea, a young plant just two years old, has come into its own this summer and, flowering well, is now the delicacy of choice for several different native bird species. Maybe it's multi-flavoured, as well as multi-coloured?
As the sun rises all the lower-growing colours get a glow on. In the foreground are my zinnias, and that's blue salvia behind. The spiky grass on the left is my new pot of lemongrass enjoying its sunny spot. Far right, the basil and baby curry leaf trees catch the sun.
Against the dark background of our murraya hedge, the frangipani's leaves are X-rayed by the sun.
So too the hollow shallot leaves. Sometimes I think they'll just spontaneously burst into flames, so aglow they are with light.
I had originally chosen about 20 'morning light' photos for this blog, as everything here looks wonderful at this time of day. But mornings aren't a time for excess. It's a gentle, beautiful time of day and I never miss the chance to be there if I can possibly manage it.
I like the morning light as well. Seeing your Grevillas amused me as mine has only just reemerged from the snow
What a lovely garden you have - your time and effort are evident here. Unfortunately due to a bad back, left shoulder & left knee, my garden has deteriorated into a chaotic mess of native trees, Bromeliads and masses of grass and weeds. There's only a small section which is not completely out of control: http://vicki-s.blogspot.com/2010/07/some-more-photos-from-my-patio.html
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