The first time I baked a whole hand of garlic the most wonderful thing happened. It turned into toothpaste. Well, its texture was like toothpaste, even if its flavour wasn't: squeezed from its baked, teardrop tube it was soft, creamy, spreadable, sweet, pungent, aromatic, wonderful (especially on toasted crusty bread).
This discovery was quite a few years ago, and prior to that I had been slavishly chopping garlic and frying it for countless dishes from the cuisines of the world: French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Indian, Thai, Lebanese and many others. (I drew the line at Skordalia, the Greek potato and raw garlic dip. I'm a cooked garlic boy.)
That baked hand of garlic was the beginning of my love affair with garlic. Until then we were just good friends! Even more recently I've had a go at growing garlic, and at this stage, as gardener and plant, we're still just getting to know one another. Just good friends, not lovers yet. Here's the story of what I've discovered so far.

Shop-bought garlic, this attractive purple-tinged person is from Argentina. It's pretty good as garlic goes, but sometimes the stuff sold here is very ordinary. By common agreement no-one likes the bleached white Chinese garlic for all sorts of reasons: "It's bland in flavour, and dodgy chemicals are used to bleach it white" are the two gripes you most often hear. Local laws say that the country of origin must be displayed on all foods sold here, and in the last few months I've bought garlic from Australia, California, Chile, Mexico and Argentina. All are OK, perhaps the Argentinian is my favourite, but I like Astor Piazzola's tango music and maybe I'm just prejudiced in its favour.

Pictured here is some of the garlic planted the day I received the package in April. The idea is to try growing the garlic by three methods, and see which works best.
1. Plant in mid autumn (ie, April) without any prior chilling.
2. Plant in late autumn (mid-May) after chilling cloves in the fridge for 4 weeks.
3. Plant on the shortest day of the year (June 21) after 9 weeks in the fridge.
My handy info sheet says the early planted garlic should be slower to sprout but will probably produce the biggest bulbs in the end. The later-planted garlic will be faster to sprout but the bulbs could be smaller. We'll see.

Meanwhile, in the crisper section of the fridge, the other cloves enjoy their artificial winter.

• As for planting depths and spacings, they say plant them one to two inches deep (ie, 25mm-50mm) with the blunt ends down, pointy ends up. Cloves should be spaced 10cm apart, and rows of plants spaced 30cm apart.
• Soil should be well-drained, but the good news is that garlic isn't fussy about the type of soil it's in. However, it's good to add plenty of organic matter to the soil (ie, compost) prior to planting, along with some well-aged manure (here in Australia cow manure or Dynamic Lifter, which is chicken poo are the easiest to access). However, it's advisable to have the manure deeper down in the soil under the garlic cloves, rather than mixed into the soil and touching the garlic cloves.
• Garlic needs full sun to grow well, so that means at least six hours of sunshine beaming directly own on plants, preferably more. Once plants are up and growing they enjoy being watered but don't like being water-logged.
• Garlic plants also like occasional extra feeds. I plan to sprinkle little lines of manure along the rows every month.
• Garlic doesn't like weeds so you need to keep the area well weeded.
• Harvesting happens when the top half of the plant has become dried and brown (that should be late spring or early summer, say late November or early December here in Sydney). However, harvesting varies a bit depending on the variety of garlic grown. There are two main types, softneck garlic and hardneck garlic, and harvesting signs and times do vary, depending on what type you're growing. However, a dying back of the top of the plant generally means you're getting into the harvest zone, no matter what you're growing.
After harvesting you'll need to hang up your garlic in a dry, airy place for three to five weeks, until the outer skin is crinkly and dry.
• So those are the garlic basics as best as I can summarise them, but a visit to the website at Garlic Farm Sales is probably more useful than reading my blog. (And PS: no I have nothing to do with this company. I paid through the nose for their product and I'm yet to find out whether it's any good. But they have been nice to deal with so far.)
But before I sign off on my garlicky musings, here's yet another kitchen gadget for those who share my kitchen gadget problem. And this one I didn't even ask for, buy or order. It came with the order, as a bonus item.
Made from silicon, this is a garlic peeler.

However, as I paid nothing for this cute gadget, and as the extreme or larger recipes I cook might occasionally call for "12 cloves of garlic, peeled" this little orange sliver of silicon now has its spot in a drawer where I suspect it will spend many weeks or months unused, until called upon to come to the rescue of a tedious task.
Alas, this has turned into something of an epic version of garlicky musings, but this wonderful little bulb does deserve serious attention! From my gardener's perspective I know that garlic really does prefer to be grown in a cooler climate than mine, and definitely a less humid one. That's why the garlic mail-order specialists are 1000km further south, in Victoria.
However, people grow garlic successfully in all sorts of climates much warmer than mine, and therefore I should be able to grow it here in temperate Sydney as well. I'm sure that as the whole story of this little garlic experiment unfolds I make a few more postings on progress, so please forgive me for blathering on so much here, at the beginning of the little adventure.
Am riveted by this. (okay, i have a quiet life!) Please do keep us up to date on progress, because I will watch and learn for when my teeny garden is back in action.
I too was riveted! I planted garlic for the first time this year but I wasn't near as disciplined as you. I bought my garlic at a hardware store(!) --not uncommon around here, extracted the cloves and stuck them in the ground. So far it is growing well.
I look forward to the next chapter of your garlic saga.
Garlic will grow very well in Sydney, if treated well. My Dad grew it. An Italian at work tells me that he puts a trenchful of manure between his rows of garlic, again so the manure isn't on the cloves.
I love growing garlic too. It's so good when it is pulled fresh - makes the best baked garlic. I also like to pull it immature when it looks like scallions and use the whole thing, green and white, in generous amounts in everything.
Thanks for that tip, Chookie. I'll definitely be trying that.
OK, this answers some of the questions I put on your later post, so SORRY and please ignore them!
Wow, now the yearning is doubled. Tripled! Must be patient. Must wait until trees are all planted before working on vegie garden...
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