One thing that is sadly disappearing from our shops is any sense of the passing of the seasons. These days we can buy strawberries, avocados, mangoes and all sorts of fruit and vegies at silly times of year when they never used to be available. With our sybaritic reluctance to 'do without' for even a few months I think we've lost some of the thrill and the appreciation of discovering that a favourite fruit is back in season. Call me perverse, but I think occasionally doing without is a worthwhile slice of humble pie.
Fortunately, some of the old-fashioned pleasure of enjoying fruit only when it's in season persists. Here in Sydney, for example, the fresh fig season, which is a late summer and early autumn thing here, is just starting to wind down after a deliciously squishy peak a few weeks ago. We won't see any more figs until next year, and so we shouldn't. It would spoil our delight at disovering that 'the figs are back' next summer. In the place of the figs it's now the quinces' turn to have their few months of glory. Hooray! Here are some quinces I slowly poached this afternoon. Lovely colour, wonderful fragrance, deeply complex flavour.

Lots of people, including me, love eating quince paste with cheese platters but I haven't had a go at making my own quince paste yet. However, as the quince season is just starting I'm sure I'll be having a go at learning that skill the moment a thoroughly wet winter weekend is forecast.
But before I sign off, I thought I'd provide a few links to food-loving blog readers in search of some interesting food blogs – you can never find too many interesting blogs, I say – including some great food writing you may not have come across before.
First up, my old pal, Fenella, emailed to let me know that her wonderful article – 'Voyage Round my Kitchen', which first appeared in the magazine 'The Good Weekend' (the colour supplement with Saturday's Sydney Morning Herald, for which she is their best feature writer, in my humble opinion) has been put up on a blog run by a friend of hers, novelist Charlotte Wood. I am quite certain that the fact Fenella mentions me kindly in her article has absolutely no influence on my judgement that this is a wonderfully well-written, witty and insightful piece about food, cooks, cooking, friends, marriages, drudgery (that's where I come in), and lots more.
Fenella's article, which appears on Charlotte's blog, is here.
And Charlotte's blog itself, called How to Shuck an Oyster, is here.
Another food blog I have been enjoying lately is called Not Quite Nigella, and you can find it here. While she travels here and there, it's essentially Sydney-based and very well organised and entertaining.
Finally, another rich treasure trove of style, food, photos and creativity is Simon Leong's blog, which you can find here. He's a Sydney-based designer and his love for food is well worth checking out.
Extra text, added on June 19, 2009
A Sydney reader, Kyle, asked for the Quince Jelly recipe in her comments, and here it is, Kyle. Quince jelly is yummy on toast but it's also well worth experimenting with it, stirring a dollop into sauces/gravies for things such as roast pork, turkey or chicken.
Quince Jelly
Quinces (preferably white-fleshed ones, the older they get the more yellow the flesh and the lower the pectin level in the fruit)
Juice of 1 lemon
Caster sugar
Peel the quinces and cut into chunks, put into a stainless steel (ie, non-reactive, not aluminium) saucepan, just barely cover the fruit with water, adding in the lemon juice, too.
Bring to a boil then simmer for one and a quarter hours, then strain the liquid from the fruit overnight. To strain, set up fruit in a colander over a bowl, and cover fruit with a clean cloth (see tips, below).
The next day, discard the fruit and measure the strained liquid and add an equal quantity of caster sugar. Bring sugar and liquid slowly to the boil in a non-reactive saucepan, stirring once or twice until the sugar has dissolved. Skim off any foam that rises to the surface as it comes to the boil. Once bubbling, increase heat and boil rapidly for about 10 minutes then test that it has set.
Testing for setting: place an entrée plate into the fridge or freezer to make it very cold. Then, to test for setting, place a spoonful of liquid on the plate. Let it sit there a few seconds and push your finger through the middle of the blob of liquid. If the liquid separates into two blobs, and remains in two distinct halves, it has set. If it’s still liquid (and the blobs join together during the test) keep on boiling the mix, and test again 5 or so minutes later. Depending on how much pectin is in the fruit, it could take a while for it to reach setting point.
Once the jelly is set, pour into sterilised jars and seal.
1. Don’t cook the quinces for too long, as this destroys the natural pectin in the fruit, which is needed for setting jellies and jams.
2. When straining fruit overnight, never press down on the fruit to extract more juice. Just let it drain naturally, giving it plenty of time to drain. If you press down on the fruit there’s a danger the jelly will turn cloudy, and a good quince jelly should be beautifully red and clear. If you don’t have a clean cloth to cover the fruit, use a large plate, but don’t let the plate press down on the fruit itself.
This recipe borrows heavily from Stephanie Alexander’s ‘The Cook’s Companion’ but she uses Seville Oranges in her recipe, and I’m sure that would be lovely. The other part of this recipe (the lemon juice and some of the method) comes from one of my mum’s best old cookbooks ‘Australian Cookery of Today’, published in the 1940s.
Quinces (preferably white-fleshed ones, the older they get the more yellow the flesh and the lower the pectin level in the fruit)
Juice of 1 lemon
Caster sugar
Peel the quinces and cut into chunks, put into a stainless steel (ie, non-reactive, not aluminium) saucepan, just barely cover the fruit with water, adding in the lemon juice, too.
Bring to a boil then simmer for one and a quarter hours, then strain the liquid from the fruit overnight. To strain, set up fruit in a colander over a bowl, and cover fruit with a clean cloth (see tips, below).
The next day, discard the fruit and measure the strained liquid and add an equal quantity of caster sugar. Bring sugar and liquid slowly to the boil in a non-reactive saucepan, stirring once or twice until the sugar has dissolved. Skim off any foam that rises to the surface as it comes to the boil. Once bubbling, increase heat and boil rapidly for about 10 minutes then test that it has set.
Testing for setting: place an entrée plate into the fridge or freezer to make it very cold. Then, to test for setting, place a spoonful of liquid on the plate. Let it sit there a few seconds and push your finger through the middle of the blob of liquid. If the liquid separates into two blobs, and remains in two distinct halves, it has set. If it’s still liquid (and the blobs join together during the test) keep on boiling the mix, and test again 5 or so minutes later. Depending on how much pectin is in the fruit, it could take a while for it to reach setting point.
Once the jelly is set, pour into sterilised jars and seal.
1. Don’t cook the quinces for too long, as this destroys the natural pectin in the fruit, which is needed for setting jellies and jams.
2. When straining fruit overnight, never press down on the fruit to extract more juice. Just let it drain naturally, giving it plenty of time to drain. If you press down on the fruit there’s a danger the jelly will turn cloudy, and a good quince jelly should be beautifully red and clear. If you don’t have a clean cloth to cover the fruit, use a large plate, but don’t let the plate press down on the fruit itself.
This recipe borrows heavily from Stephanie Alexander’s ‘The Cook’s Companion’ but she uses Seville Oranges in her recipe, and I’m sure that would be lovely. The other part of this recipe (the lemon juice and some of the method) comes from one of my mum’s best old cookbooks ‘Australian Cookery of Today’, published in the 1940s.
Have not had quince jam for years! My grandmother used to make it sometimes, must have had a quince tree on the farm.
Hi Jamie, love your blog! You have inspired me about quinces (picked some at my sister's in Bathurst on the weekend) and I am jealous of your garden, and I agree that Fenella is the best writer there is. Am pleased to make the acquaintance of the famous Jamie.
There is a feral quince tree beside the road, long way from any houses, that I pass about four times a week. I am watching it carefully. It may need a good clean for stray oil (pick from side of tree furtherest from road).
Currently in Chutney-making mode - I think the time has come to invent a Quince Chutney.
Quinces seem to be following me at the moment. Baked for hours at my Aunt's over Easter, coming up in conversation several times since and now on your blog! If only the balcony garden were big enough for a quine. Still the vic markets are nearby, and you inspired me to have a go at quince paste. It's a couple of simmering hours in and turning ruby red - cheers so much for the final impetus of inspiration
So how about a recipe for this famous Quince Jelly?? I know, I know, this is a gardening blog, not a cooking blog... but the rules could surely bend for something you've grown in your own garden...?
The Quince Jelly recipe is now there. Good luck with it!
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